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Sunday, April 29, 2007

San Diego Impeachment Saturday

On Saturday, April 28, 2007 Impeachment Actions were taken all over America by patriotic citizens. Here, in San Diego County, concerned citizen activists gathered at Torrey Pines State Beach in La Jolla for Beach Impeach. Everyone showed up with blankets, towels, backpacks, coolers, and of course signs that read IMPEACH. Those who attended laid down on the beach to form each of the seven letters of the word impeach. An aerial photo was to have been taken but a low cloud cover prevented the plane from flying over. The event, however, was a success with approximately two hundred people in attendance.

A first a few here and there....

Soon to be followed by many more.... Here are the letters I, M, and part of P. My husband, son, two family friends and I were proud to lend our bodies to the letter M.

Then it was on to The San Diego Convention Center downtown where the California Democratic Party Convention was taking place. Local activists from several different organizations came together at the door of the Convention center to demonstrate and lobby for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Members of the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice, Veterans for Peace, the North County Coalition for Peace and Justice, Military Families Speak Out, and the Progressive Democrats of America were on hand along with many, many others who want to see the President and the Vice President removed from office.

Speaking appearances at the convention on Saturday were made by Democratic Presidential candidates Clinton, Dodd, Obama, and Kucinich. Speaker Pelosi, also present, spoke to the delegates as well.

A crowd of us were standing near the door holding our signs for about an hour and a half. Many of the delegates who were going in and out, gave us thumbs up, flashed peace signs, waved, and even cheered. It was exciting!

Watching both the delegates and the demonstrators, I was struck by how those present were a true representation of California's multicultural population. People of all ages, ethnicities, and
economic brackets came together for the California Democratic Party Convention. I was also glad to see a large number of disabled delegates among the convention attendees and demonstrators. Everyone was included - everyone had a voice.

The Bush Chain Gang participated while the crowd chanted "Jail to the Chief!"

A resolution calling for Congress to investigate the actions of President Bush and Vice President Cheney and to take appropriate action including impeachment was introduced Saturday afternoon. It was just about 6:00 P.M. when one of the delegates came out of the door and tapped me on the shoulder. She wanted to tell me that the impeachment resolution had been overwhelmingly approved for advancement to the final vote on Sunday. Many more delegates came out and a loud cheer went up as they explained that the language in the resolution was strong including the words criminal and war crimes. It was a thrilling moment - Democracy at Work!

Sunday, the California Democratic Party endorsed a resolution to withdraw our troops from Iraq and the resolution described above.

Impeachment is on the table in California!

Thank You, California Delegates!!!

It's time for Bush to trade his "Stars and Stripes" power suit for a bars and stripes jumpsuit - he's been wrapped in our flag for too long! Wave Bye-bye, George...

The whole world hates George Bush's Amerika and sees American democracy as a hypocritical illusion. The impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney would demonstrate to our global neighbors that we, the American people, do not tolerate leaders who abuse power, torture, murder, and steal. We would be leading by example toward healing for us all.

Impeachment - a positive foreign policy gesture!
........Kitchen Window Woman.......
Resident Scholar, American Patriot Institute

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Early Signs of FASCISM - A Bush Revue

There are more than enough reasons to introduce articles of impeachment against George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors. Neither of these two men, who were appointed to office by the Supreme Court, is fit to continue to occupy the highest offices of this nation as President and Vice President respectively: for it is from these very positions of trust that they have conducted their global crime spree. Bush and Cheney are jointly responsible for the deaths of close to one million people.

I have posted Laurence W. Britt's list of the fourteen warning signs of fascism several times before. This particular list was adapted with permission by the SCW from Free Inquiry magazine which published the original article by Mr. Britt, "Fascism Anyone?" I 'm posting it as a boost to the Nationwide Impeachment Actions being taken by concerned Americans on Saturday, April 28th, 2007.

Since impeachment is in the air, I decided to adapt Britt's list a wee bit more. Under each of the fourteen listed items you will find descriptions of the special fascist favors that George, Dickie, and their playmates have done for their fellow citizens. Think of their collective behavior as a political song and dance number that has been done on all of us.

~ The Early Warning Signs of FASCISM ~

Powerful And Continuing Nationalism - Americans who ask questions, express opinions that do not agree with those of the presiding regime, and who do not support the illegal, irresponsible, global intentions of the Bush neoconservatives are labeled as traitors. Blinding flags are everywhere.

Disdain For Human Rights - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Gonzoles resurrect the medieval practice of TORTURE, Abu Ghraib, ghost prisoners in ghost prisons, Bremer issued Order 17 in Iraq immunizing American corporate mercenaries from prosecution, Katrina neglect, continued association with and support (financial and military) of repressive regimes, military and financial support for Israel's illegal land grab and war crimes against the Palestinian people, Darfur, and more...

Identification Of Enemies As A Unifying Cause - Let's see, enemies declared by the Bush Regime.... Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Iraq???, France (remember freedom fries?), Muslims in general, the American middle class, Syria, Iran, Lebanon (because Israel said so), Liberals, Progressives, anti-war activists, and the ever-popular They, Them, and everyone who isn't Us.

Supremacy Of The Military - War for profit, war for oil, war for empire, the doings of Donald Rumsfeld, American tax dollars diverted to finance the corporate Military Industrial Security Complex while citizens go without, the weaponization of space, military recruitment on high school campuses made a condition of school funding, and Blackwater, a pricey, private corporate/religious army eating it's way through tax dollars while operating outside of American and International law.

Rampant Sexism - Rape victims in military harassed, women still not making equal wages for equal work, Christian war against homosexuals, Christians who choose not to have abortions trying to force their chosen view on others, domestic violence...

Controlled Mass Media - Fox News, propaganda, embedded reporters in Iraq, CNN, propaganda, Al Jezeera not available in the States keeping Americans from hearing other points of view, the lies about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman, propaganda, the American media's collective ass-kissing failure during the Bush neoconservative rush to war in Iraq. * Note - please be sure to catch Bill Moyer's Journal "Buying the War" on PBS.

Obsession With National Security - The primary excuse for the "Shock and Awe" invasion of Iraq and one of the explanations given for sending Blackwater, an expensive contingent of Mercenary killers, into the Katrina dissaster area - they certainly aren't humanitarian aid workers, fixation on the Mexican border, Duncan Hunter's expensive joke of a wall, Guantanamo, stealth kidnappings of foreign nationals, eavesdropping on fellow citizens, Rumsfeld's missile shield, and alas, adieu Habeas Corpus and Geneva Conventions...

Religion And Government Intertwined - Terry Schiavo, Jim Dobson's conference calls with White House, Erik Prince's private army of crusader mercenaries - Blackwater - receiving millions of tax dollars, Separation of Church and State pummeled, faith based charities and institutions receiving federal funds, attempts to force Christian Prayers on children in public schools, Christian prayer meetings in govermental agencies like the Pentagon and the Department of Justice, 50% of military chaplains are Evangelical Christians, and god told President George W. Bush to advance a war of aggression against Iraq.

Corporate Power Protected - No-bid, open ended contracts, Halliburton, Halliburton, Halliburton, Bechtel, KBR, Blackwater, Titan, CACI, and many more members of the Military Industrial Security Complex, Please do not forget the bankers, movers and shakers and neoconservatives who in a frenzy do feed - Bags and Bags of our money went POOF in Baghdad - it is said that the money vanished in a fog of war - must be a rich fog. It is said that we can't recover our stolen funds and that corporate profiteers can't be prosecruted during times of war because it would "endanger the troops!" Hmmmmmm...

Labor Power Supressed - There has been a revival of union busting. American industry has deserted the American people and moved offshore and overseas leaving, in some areas of the country, the military as the ONLY employer available to young people. Labor laws have been changed by steath to favor the profiteers while punishing the worker. Wanted - JOBS!

Distain For Intellectuals & The Arts - Music and Art no longer taught in American public schools - every child left behind, if George W. Bush had consulted Juan Cole, and any one of the many others who are experts on the Middle East - there would be no war, Bush dumped CIA and State Department experts - embraced naive neoconservative ideologues like Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, findings of Iraq Study group rejected - Robert Kagan's surge implemented...

Obsession With Crime & Punishment - Secret prisons in third world countries, Rambo-styled police forces and swat teams trained by Blackwater, swat teams in black, America - the land of prisons, citizens harassed for bumper stickers and tee shirts that denounce Bush, draconian sentences for minor crimes...

Rampant Cronyism & Corruption - Tom DeLay, Randy "Duke" Cunningham, Halliburtion, Jack Abramoff, Karl Rove, L. Paul Bremer III, Donald Rumsfeld, Elliot Abrams, no-bid, open ended contracts, Swift Boater Sam Fox made Ambassador to Belgium, John Bolton made US Ambassador to United Nations, Paul Wolfowitz appointed to head World Bank, KBR, I. "Scooter" Libby and many more...

Fraudulent Elections - Hanging chads - no recount, boxes of votes found in Florida swamps, GORE WON in 2000, Supreme Court oversteps authority and appoints Bush and Cheney to office, Diebold Election Systems, Ohio, Florida, voter intimidation, voters sent to wrong polls, voting machines malfunction, overseas votes not counted, voters given wrong ballots, and on and on.....

- Please take impeachment action this weekend. My family and I are going to lend our bodies to fill in the letters that spell IMPEACH at Torrey Pines State Public Beach in La Jolla, California.
If you are in the San Diego area, see ya Saturday at Beach Impeach.

....Kitchen Window Woman....
.....Resident Scholar, API.....

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Arlington West

We spent Sunday in the park with Veterans for Peace, my husband and I, tending a field of the fallen. Row after row of crosses accompanied by small American flags were planted on the green. Each bore the name of a soldier who had perished in this most recent American war.

Arlington West takes several hours to set up. The work requires patience, dedication, and the ability to bend. VFP members and community volunteers team together to complete the symbolic memorial. The experience is a spiritual and profound one.

The Arlington West at Balboa Park, in San Diego, on Sunday, April 22, 2007 was the first my husband and I attended and assisted with. I had been intending to join VFP for quite a while but was delayed by a missing DD214. Finally, my husband located the military document (thank you) which I then submitted along with an application, for membership. My card from the Veterans for Peace national office had arrived earlier in the week - just in time.

Veterans For Peace is "a nationwide network of veterans working to end war as an instrument of aggression and heal the wounds that wars have caused". There are "144 chapters in 44 of the 50 states". VFP members are also up on the issues that effect veterans in civilian life like medical care, benefits, and PTSD. They are dedicated to the protection of civil liberties and veteran's rights and have provided humanitarian aid to Katrina survivors and Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange.

Veteran bloggers! Want to become more active? Check out Veterans For Peace.
If you are in the San Diego area click here to check out VFP's Hugh Thompson Memorial Chapter # 91. Friends, family, and general supporters can also join as Associate Members.

Experience an Arlington West by viewing the film available for purchase here. The film, Arlington West, is a poetic and touching work of art. Watch and listen as Americans of all types and ages express a range of opinions, thoughts, and feelings while visiting an Arlington West Tribute to those who have lost their lives in Operation: Iraqi Freedom.

I had an arm load of crosses and was walking toward the row in which they would be placed. As I took one off the top of the pile, my eyes fixed on the age of the young soldier whose name it bore. Twenty-three - he was only 23 - the age of my youngest son. My heart broke for him and his family.

I also saw many of the fallen who were in their late 30's like my eldest son, who after fourteen years of service, is a disabled vet. He and a friend of the family came to pay their respects to lost comrades. They then returned, Sunday afternoon, to help take down the thousands of crosses and flags, until the next time.

The photo on the right is of my husband. We enjoyed working with the members of San Diego's Hugh Thompson Memorial Chapter of VFP. They are some fine people. I'm a little sore today as I no longer bend like Gumby, but I figure every ache was worth it if gets us closer to stopping this war and preventing new ones.

The Peace Sign in front of our house still shines through the dark every night and will continue to shine until we stop this war and bring all of the troops home.

........WAGE PEACE.........

Kitchen Window Woman ~
Resident Scholar, American Patriot Institute

Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Eulogy For Zog and His Creator

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, not quite stormy, but it was bleak.

Those lonely hours, years ago, found me in the depths of despair. No, not depressed or suicidal, but spent and numb. I was devoid of the energy that I would need for the following day to sustain our meager lives.

A divorced, single mother, I barely scraped by between waitressing and welfare. Thrift necessitated washing baggies and tin foil for reuse, but nonetheless, the cupboards went bare long before the first of each month.

I couldn't sleep for worry. The car was broken down and I had a bad cold. How would I get to work. Should I beg the babysitter to let me slide for a week so I could pay to fix the car?

Life was a fruitless struggle.

I left my bed to search for an old paperback book which had been prescribed and delivered, along with some chicken soup, by a friend who had visited during the day. I began to read and forgot Old Mother Hubbard, my stuffy nose, and the damn car. I read until I laughed.

It all made sense or made no sense at all.

I laughed so hard I cried. I laughed so long that I felt the warmth of human connection fill the void. I'd laughed a thaw in the numbness. I was alive.

This is what I read:

"A flying-saucer creature named Zog arrived on Earth to explain how wars could be prevented, and how cancer could be cured. Zog brought the information from Margo, a planet where the natives conversed by means of farts and tap-dancing. Zog landed at night in Connecticut. He had no sooner touched down than he saw a house on fire. He rushed into the house, farting and tap-dancing, warning people about the terrible danger they were in. The head of the house brained him with a golf club."

I thought, now and then, about writing the author a letter
to thank him for saving me from the kind of poverty that saps the soul. He'd rescued my fading spirit by making me laugh. What a resorative gift - laughter.

I never wrote that letter. Hero worship held me back. Admiration for another can sometimes have disasterous results if the paths of the admired one and the admirer converge - even through the mail. I was sure that if I put pen to paper somehow my words would swirl into an incomprehensable jumble.

Such a disaster happened several years back when I braved to speak to a person whose artistic work I find magically beautiful. Some months after the devastating Cedar fire raged through the canyon where we live, my husband and I, attended a lecture given by artist and fire victim, James Hubbell. When he was finished speaking, I ventured forth to join the group of admirers who surrounded Mr. Hubbell.

I was excited and confident until he shook my hand. When I tried to speak, suffice it to say, I babbled incoherently. I am blushing as I write this.

Mr. Hubbell, if perchance you ever read this, I don't know what to say.

So Mr. Vonnegut never got a letter from me and I am late in writing this. He went to Heaven ten days ago to share a cloud with Mr. Azimov, tee hee. I am not one of those fast bloggers. I think about things for a while. Better late than never.

Thank you, Mr. Vonnegut for Zog and thank you for not letting the British and the Americans get away with the genocidal, three-day fire bombing of Dresden that occurred between February 13th and 15th in 1945.

Thank you too, for living as a Humanist and writing about it. I have found kindred thinkers at the American Humanist Association and am currently a member. Thank you for all you have done for we inhabitants of this poor abused planet during the spanse of your well-lived life.

And so it goes

........I bid you adieu........
Kitchen Window Woman
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech - Violence and Hypocricy

Violence begets violence. America is a very violent country that profits mightily from violence and liberally employs violence or the threat of violence to further its global ambitions.

Americans are not problem solvers. They are solution destroyers. Discussion and diplomacy have been left in the dust by those who favor b-grade, movie-styled, cowboy justice. Get up a posse. We'll flush 'em out! Don't talk about it - shoot it out instead. Bomb 'em back to the stone age! Take 'em out and do it preemptively. Bully, terrorize, its your right, you ar
e an American.

The shootings at Virginia Tech were horrific and tragic. That so many promising young lives were cut short by the violent act of one individual made powerful by the possession of a gun, is a cruel demonstration of American values at work. The shock felt by our public, stems primarily from the fact that this violent incident occurred here, on American soil.

Iraqis would not find this type of senseless death shocking - in Iraq, this kind of death happens every day. George W. Bush lied to bring this type of violence and death to the Iraqi people four years ago. He has not offered his condolences to Iraqi families.

Americans do not memorialize the thousands of Iraqi lives lost. Children, grandparents, mothers, fathers, and yes, college students, have all been senselessly murdered in Iraq. In the US, we avoid burning candles for those who have suffered "death by America". Americans are too far removed, and profiting too much from their handiwork, to care. Empathy and justice are not wasted on others. Tears are shed, rightly so, but only for "our own".

My heart is breaking for the families who have lost their loved ones at Virginia Tech. My heart is also broken for the families of the American troops and Iraqi citizens who have been vicitms of Bush's War. Perhaps if CNN endlessly read names, televised photos, and reported stories about Iraqi individuals who were shot or bombed to death, Americans would learn that human pain and suffering is the same for every human being around the globe. Maybe then, the citizens of this country would be moved to stop the violence.

We willingly fund wars and privatized armies of gun wielding thugs like Blackwater, but refuse to support mental health care, or the medical care our veterans, and citizens deserve. Cho Seung-Hui, the shooter at Virginia Tech, was suffering from mental illness. Would the proper mental health care
and monitoring have prevented him from committing mass murder?

Cho Seung-Hui's actions were symptomatic of a system riddled with the disease of violence.

What can we do to affect a cure?

Would that we deem violence intolerable.

How about Virginia Tech's budding engineers and their profess
ors research and develop an automobile engine that does not require oil or oil products. We could stop wasting money on the weapons necessary to wage oil wars and save lives, too.

Could this terrible mass murder be turned into something positive? Imagine a center at Virginia Tech dedicated to non-violent methods of conflict resolution. Let's pour money into to such a venture and deny money to the developers of weapons that kill and maim. What better way for Americans to lead, than by example, while embarking on a path to peace?

Honor the dead by limiting the news about the victims to less than 24 hours per day. Sacrifice the ratings to both honor the dead and prevent future incidents.

Finally, keep the damn War President, and his fighter jet security entourage, in their cages.

.....Kitchen Window Woman.....
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You and What Army?

When George W. Bush lied and said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was planning to attack the United States on American soil, he stood in front of an army. When he said "we're coming to get you Saddam", he stood in front of an army.

George "the decider" stood in front of an army when he told us that we citizens didn't need the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. He stood in front of an army, that didn't know what habeas corpus meant or understand the the value of the Geneva Conventions, to declare TORTURE a tool of freedom and habeas corpus unnecessary. George "the joker" Bush and his Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales didn't care about the army at all when they laughed the Geneva Conventions off as quaint.

Wrapped in a flag while bearing the cross of the theocons, George W. Bush stood in front of an army while he stomped on Separation of Church and State and commandeered tax payer dollars for faith based initiatives like the privatized Christian Army known as Blackwater. Blackwater's mercenary thugs answer to no American or international law and earn more in one month than American soldiers earn in a year. Blackwater killers made many enemies for American soldiers in Iraq.

George W. Bush seems inadequate without a blackdrop of uniformed personnel so he stands in front of the armed forces again and again. George likes to use military wallpaper when he says words like resolve, persevere, our will, stay the course, steadfast, strong, freedom, cut and run, and surge. We are sick of seeing the president appear on CNN and MSNBC standing in front of captive troops. We are tired of and embarrassed by his empty words. He is the boy who cried wolf about Iraq but he is not sorry.

George W. Bush lied so he could do this...

And this....

And this...

George W. Bush never stands in front of these troops. George W. Bush has to date, shown no remorse.

President George W. Bush stands in front of an army while he turns his back on soldiers who suffered TBI (traumatic Brain injury) in Iraq. Similarily, he has turned his back on soldiers who are suffering the ravages of PTSD. This week GWB threatened American people who disagree with his failed neoconservative policies. We were told that the troops who form the army he stands in front of will have to stay in Iraq longer if we refuse to support his stay the course surge.

George W. Bush has (as was expected) turned the "surge" into a full-scale escalation. Thousands more of our armed forces have been ordered to return to Iraq.

Claims were made that the Speaker of The House, Pelosi, undermined George W. Bush's foreign policy and usurped his authority when she visited and engaged in a diplomatic dialogue with the leader of one of Bush's next military targets, Syria.

Bravo Nancy Pelosi, Thank you. American patriots must do whatever they can to undermine this dangerous out-of-control president. I do my patriotic best every day to undermine King George and his neocon government.

Americans and American troops should stand down so that G
eorge W. Bush, the war president, has to stand alone.

You and What Army, George?

"You know, when I campaigned in 2000, I said, I want to be a war president. No one wants to be a war president, but I am one."

Yeah, George, you're a war president all right...

...............Kitchen Window Woman................
Resident Scholar, American Patriot Institute
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Have A Nice Easter

Easter at our house is non religious occasion. We celebrate by having a family gathering and enjoying one another's company over some good food. Since spring is the time that the earth renews itself, the egg is an important part of our feast. The egg is universal. It has been a symbol of life and renewal in families of many cultures and of many different beliefs for thousands of years.

Every year I make Hungarian Pickled Eggs from an old family recipe. These eggs are a beautiful pink color because they are pickled in canned beet juice. The beet slices with their juice are placed in a large jar to which hard boiled eggs and vinegar are added. I also add several cloves, some pickling spices, and ringlets of sliced onion. One must wait almost a week for the eggs to pickle. They will be done tomorrow. The taste is unique and delicious! I can't wait.

My husband likes ham, so a hickory smoked ham with glaze will grace our table. Several types of bread and mustards will make for real good ham sandwiches and I made a batch a Swedish cucumber salad as a companion side dish.

Spring is not only about remewal. It is also about freshness or newness so I am very excited about the jars of pickled asparagus that I bought. I didn't even know there was such a thing as pickled asparagus but boy, is it good! So something new will be placed on the table for everyone to try. Another family favorite we will enjoy tomorrow is steamed artichokes with lemon/garlic dipping butter. Cheeses, crackers, Jalapeno stuffed olives and a basket filled with chocolates and jellybeans will complete our table.

Someone recently asked me when I had last seen the movie, Gandhi. I hadn't seen it for a long time, so when I ran across the two-disc collector's edition with Ben Kingsley, I bought it. We've all had to endure four years of a terrible war - watching Gandhi on Easter seems apropos. I hope it will help us to renew our dedication to World Peace and the practice of non-violent protest.

We are going to watch Gandhi while we have dessert - homemade Pineapple Upside-Down cake.

Good thoughts - Good company- Good Food

*Note - The photo above was taken of an Easter wreath that I made several years ago for my father-in-law while he was in a convalescent hospital. I put the Peace Sign into the wreath when I took the picture last year. The Peace Sign dates back to Bush One - Gulf War One.

I wish you and yours a wonderful spring holiday.

....Kitchen Window Woman....
Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Politics of Pomposity - A "Tiny Bubbles"

I haven't done a Tiny Bubbles for a long time but after watching George W. Bush unleash his snippy little temper on television for over a week, a Tiny Bubbles is necessary.

Tiny Bubbles are thought flashes ( not to be confused with "hot flashes") that pass through my mind while I am attending to the dishes and other such chores. These blips on my dishpan screen are posted as "Tiny Bubbles" with an affectionate nod to my ukulele playing husband and partner in politics, Catfish. Drop in on his web page, Catfish's Closet, for a journey into the world of the Jumping Flea. You will find the link posted in the right hand column under "Melody".

Don't you dare wag your pompous finger in my face you aristocratic little jerk...
- Listen George, I am a 56 year old adult woman. I am not your child. I am not your wife. I am not your subject. I am your employer, albeit a reluctant one. You Do Not talk down to me. You Do Not talk down to my husband, our family members, our friends, our neighbors, members of our communities, taxpayers, or any American citizen, ever! You have lost the hearts and minds of citizens the world over because you are even more disrepectful toward leaders who do not share your so-called faith or your imperialistic ambitions.

The recent tirades which you've tried to pass off as press conferences have been disgraceful. How dare you behave like a such petulant brat toward the hardworking people of this nation?

You are an embarrassment beyond what the Dixie Chicks could have ever imagined and you are a direct threat to the American democracy in which we are all participants. You have terrorized this country for far too long. It is time for you to SHUT UP and let real statesmen and diplomats handle matters before you F*#K things up even worse.

(Boy, that ended up being a big bubble - but I feel better)

The Bush Crime Family is not done ravaging America. The Bush political machine has thrown the full weight of its dynastic wealth and power into the presidential campaign of Republican Mitt Romney.

Romney to his discredit has already flip-flopped several of his core political values after being groomed by Bush political advisors for the Evangelical vote.

Jeb Bush's name is being floated as Romney's choice for VP along with that of Newt Gingrich. Gingrich has been thrown into the mix only to make it seem as if Romney is considering several possible contenders for his Vice President on the GOP ticket. It is a test to see how the public will react to having to endure another BUSH (Jeb) close to the White House.

If Jeb Bush (his father's favorite) does not receive public backing, the Bush Dynasty's last hope is that George P. Bush (Jeb's son) will someday be placed in the White House by the corporate powers that be. To that end, George P. has enlisted as a naval intelligence officer so that it will appear as if he "served" in his Uncle's war. A special nickname has been bestowed upon the 30-year-old "little Brown one" (as his Grandfather put it)... he is known to his family as "47" to indicate his future position among America's presidents. His grandfather was Prez #41 and his uncle, the current Prez is #43. How Bushily cute!

Question - Why didn't George P. enlist as a navy corpsman so he could really serve with the troops on the ground in Iraq and maybe save some lives? I guess he'll just have to torture people instead.

A Comparison...
- The families of the English detainees were supported in full by British governmental and military officials throughout the ordeal of their loved one's capitivity in Iran. Their questions were answered and they all received up-to-date, factual information. The mother of one of the captives was even given a special telephone that she could use at any hour to ease her anxiety.

Not so here in these United States. Nope. The Pentagon, if anything, is best known for it's total lack of honesty. Pentagon leaders and spokespeople lie about EVERYTHING! The Pentagon"s militaristic culture is all about itself. One can liken the Pentagon hierarchy to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church as both put themselves, their power, and their fortunes, far above the people that they claim to serve.

The Catholic Church fostered and protects still a culture of rampant pedophilia while the Pentagon has lied and denied friendly fire incidents, the effects of Agent Orange and depleated uranium, the numbers of US casualties, the numbers of civilian deaths, the number of cases of and the effects of PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury, and even the truth about the death of Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch's rescue and subsequent treatment by the Iraqis.

The Pentagon needs to be reminded that it answers to the American people - otherwise it has no reason to exist. It is OUR MONEY and OUR LIVES that supply the bloated militaristic bureaucracy.

Let's talk transparency, truth, accountability, and above all, let's talk about the Pentagon showing respect for the American people - especially its soldiers and their families. Perhaps the pompous asses at the Pentagon can learn something from the British example. Lets all hope so.

...........Tiny Bubbles...........
...Kitchen Window Woman...
Resident Scholar, American Patriot Institute