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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

What Is Wrong With This Picture? Or, Hypocrisy And Misinformation - True-Blue Rotten Egg # 8

James Dobson demands that marriage only be recognized if it is the merger of a biological female with a biological male. The purpose, he contends, for this coupling, is the production of children. The scene painted by Mr. Dobson, includes a father, a mother, and 2.5 children standing in front of a vine-covered, middle-class cottage. There are no homosexuals (who are rumored to prey on children) in this cozy picture. They are barred by a white picket fence.

Mr. Jim "Messenger from God" Dobson's picture is as deeply flawed as the one that follows.

The Boy Scouts of America, a patriotic, god-fearing organization renders a Norman Rockwell image of fine, morally straight, young boys and adolescent youths in uniform, who sleep in tents, build campfires, and know right from wrong. There is not a faggot to be found on the compound because BSA is as profoundly homophobic as the godly Mr. Dobson. Surely these children are safe!

Pan to a reality based photo collage. A mosaic of black and white snapshots, shaded in tones of grey, graphically exposes the pedophile next door. Those who threaten your children are not members of the gay community: they are members of your family, your church, and the heterosexual community at large. Pedophiles are primarily adult heterosexual males. Many are married with children. Abusers are most often family members, clergy, and youth group leaders, or adults involved with children's sports, scouting, and education. Most sexual abuse occurs in the child's home. Other common locations include: church, school, the homes of relatives, and on overnight excursions.

Mr. Dobson, of Focus on the Family, who shares with Rush Limbaugh a complete disregard for factual information, has spent considerable time and money to slander the gay community while claiming to "protect our children" from sexual predators. Dobson's obsession has not provided children with protection from their abusers. His hypocritical vendetta of misinformation against homosexual Americans, has instead, left children unprotected by focusing attention away from predatory pedophiles.

Equally hypocritical, has been the behavior of the Boy Scouts of America. Several years back, "spokesscouts" for the BSA publicly embraced intolerance by banishing gays from their "wholesome" organization. The heralded homophobia consisted of the usual misinformation - this time, however, it masqueraded as prevention (we don't want our boys to turn into queers)!

The arrest of Douglas S. Smith Jr. in light of such sanctimonious sexism is ironic to the extreme. A Boy Scouts of America official for 39 years, Mr. Smith was the National Director of Program and Chairman of the Youth Protection Task Force. Noted for "a groundbreaking initiative for youth protection", Mr. Smith was taken into custody, in March of 2005, by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Operation Predator. Agents from Operation Predator, tipped off by German agents, raided Mr. Smith's Ft. Worth home where they discovered a massive collection of digital child pornography on his computer and movies of young boys having sex, as well.

The recipient of the Boy Scout's Distnguished Service Award, and married father of three, had been a closet child porn collector all along. The profile of this pedophile is classic. A respected member of the community, who is married with children, who works in a profession that guarantees contact with children to some degree, who is vocally anti-gay and pro-morality, but leads a secret, private life involving the harming and exploitation of children, is an apt description of this type of sexual crimminal.

Jack Stickland, Smith's lawyer, tried to minimize his client's crimes against children in the following statement, "He's not taking this well. I've got to tell you, this is a good man, and I would hate to see the entirety of his life, and the good things he's done, defined by one incident." One incident?....Hundreds of images of little boys being forced to perform oral sex on each other! One incident?...Is Mr. Strickland referring to the day Mr. Smith got caught? Smith was collecting and trading these images. Children in this country and abroad were forced to pose in the nude, touch each others private areas, and perform sex acts with each other and with adults! If you think that this is a victimless crime, think again! If you think that Douglas S. Smith Jr. is a "good man", think of those children and the hellish childhoods they are forced to endure because of the "goodness" of men like Mr. Smith. Smith has at least, had the sense to retire from the BSA.

The actions of men like Mr. Smith and Mr. Dobson illustrate the harm caused by sexual misinformation. It contributes to the continued violation of children; not it's cessation. This smelly, rotten egg is colored True-Blue as a warning. Beware of those who seem to embrace the protection of your child. Picture Tinky Winky and Sponge Bob, then ask yourself, are they really a danger to children?

*Note - I have written these last two pieces concerning the sexual abuse of children because it needs to be out in the open and discussed. As a victim of childhood sexual abuse for many years, I have had direct experience and find the recent campaign of misinformation toward the gay community to be the malignant and hypocritical. I was abused by four heterosexual men, all married and all with children. The gay people we knew at the time never touched me. Gays are interested in adult relationships with each other. I find it much more frightening that people like Jim Dobson spend so much time thinking about what other people do in bed......a perversion in itself! Much more needs to be done to expose the "true" perpetrators who target children for sex and to help the children heal.

**Note - Operation Predator netted 5,300 child porn collectors including Spanky the Clown.

I wrote also, because I prefer truth and despise hypocrisy.

..............Kitchen Window Woman.........
Friday, May 27, 2005

More Dirty Rotten, Forgotton Easter Eggs

A few days after Easter, on March 31st, I started writing the "Dirty Dozen." The "Dirty Dozen" refers to those colorful Easter Eggs that remain hidden long after Easter is over. Some are eventually turned up because of the odor but some, like one egg hidden years ago in our house, are never found.

Two festering eggs were dedicated to that stinking, nasty Texan, Tom DeLay, several dealt with the stench surrounding the treatment of our veterans, and one, the plight of Iraqi children.

Rotten Egg # 7 is in the open and ready to read, soon to be followed by Rotten Egg # 8.

Hold your nose while you read.....
.....Kitchen Window Woman........

Amber Alerts And Lou Dobbs expose Dirty Rotten Egg # 7

It happens all day, every day and all night long to hundreds of thousands of children all over this country. One out of every three adult women were sexually abused during childhood and adolescence. One out of every six adult men have endured the same life-altering abuse. The sexual abuse of American children is as common as it is devastatingly destructive. Victims are harmed not only physically, but mentally, and emotionally as well. Children are trapped, things are done to their bodies, and their spirits are systematically broken by the abuser who is in control.

There have been Amber Alerts for weeks on end. Children who have been abducted stare at me from the television screen. I know what they face or have already suffered, and I know that the expression in their school picture eyes, will change forever - if they are able to survive their abduction.

I can tell them that the abuse will always be with them in some form or other and that they will have to deal with it a thousand times over. I know because, I was sexually abused from the age of seven, until I left home at the age of eighteen. My childhood was smothered by the desires of several deviant monsters who stalked, lurked in hallways, and in basements, and grabbed and crushed. Once satisfied, they terrorized with threats. No where was safe. Like many others, I have PTSD as a result of trauma suffered at the hands of predatory pediphiles.

My heart breaks with every Amber Alert. It angers me that nothing has been done in this country to stop the production of pedophiles. Some of the money being wasted on this unnecessary war could be used constructively for research that would protect our children. Needless to say, I am driven to know what made these people become pedophiles. Many emerge from authoritarian religious backgrounds, some were abused themselves, some commit these crimes because they have been living against nature by being celibate, and one theory leans toward a genetic predisposition. We must answer why before solutions are possible.

Then, there was the news the other day. Viagra had been given (at taxpayer expense) to sex criminals to help them get it up! Even worse, was Lou Dobbs' report that "tens of thousands of registered sexual predators have disappeared!" Yep, they split - they're out there - a direct threat to children everywhere! Lou Dobbs also reported that there are one half of a million registered sex offenders in this country - how many haven't been caught yet?

This rotten egg has been cloaked by shame and secrecy for years. Ladies and Gentlemen, this rotten, stinking, festering egg needs to come out of hiding and examined in the light. It is colored red, white, and blue for the sexual problems that Americans haven't faced.

More on this subject to follow....
Kitchen Window Woman
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Tiny Facist Bubbles In My Sink

.......I agree with Frenchie's comment that fascism hasn't developed fully here in the states, however, I think the seeds have been sown, and some have already sprouted much to the delight of the Neo-con Garden Club.

.......The corporate elite and the Bush Administration are one entity in America and that is cause for concern. These words from the father of "Fascismo" describe the foundation upon which fascist structure is based; "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini

.......Now, I will address some of Doc Strangelove's points. Many actions of the Bush Administration ARE consistant with fascism. Putting "the emphasis on self-reliance" to sell the privatization of Social Security is a manipulation straight out of Propaganda 101. Like the carrot that is dangled before the mule, it is being used to divert attention from the Wall Street firms who will REALLY be in charge of our money.

The "individual desires placed over community needs", are the desires of the corporate elite not of the American middle class and working poor.

Finally, fascism does not deny God. Fascist leaders tie themselves to the most common religion and proclaim themselves to be defenders of the faith. "Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religions are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions." (L. W. Britt) The religion chosen by the fascist leadership is used to shield the leaders from attack - an attack on "our leader" is seen as an attack on "the people of faith" or on their God. The religious population is soon manipulated to support the fascist regime which in hand gives the regime moral standing.

I have never, in my 55 years, seen such abuse of power, lying, manipulation, and greed companioned with total disregard not only for the people of this country, but for people all over the world. George W. Bush is the WORST president in the history of the United States and that is why we need to continue to fight for democracy right here at home!

.......Kitchen Window Woman......
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

It Creeps Like A Surrealistic Fog Upon The Land

Many accounts of what happened when the Nazis enveloped Germany, the Fascists devoured Italy, and the Communists seduced the masses to control Russia, describe the denial involved in the series of gradual events that led to the subjegation of entire populations and the deaths of millions.

It is, I think, always difficult to believe "that anything like that could happen here", or to us, or that we would be the ones doing it to others. Read the following and put yourself in that person's place......

"What happened was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to be governed by suprise, to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security........

To live in the process is absolutely not to notice it -- please try to believe me -- unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, regretted.

Believe me this is true. Each act, each occasion is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join you in resisting somehow.

Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven't done (for that was all that was required of most of us: that we did nothing) ... You remember everything now, and your heart breaks. Too late. You are compromised beyond repair."

- German professor after World War II describing the rise of Nazism

Food for thought and a "Thank you" to the man who had the courage to provide the above description...............

*Try reading the above passage out loud to yourself and others, it really comes to life......Kitchen Window Woman......

Is It Really No More Nukes?

"We have kept the Republic", was Senator Robert Byrd's comment after fourteen moderates forged a bipartisan compromise on May 23rd. Let's celebrate the principled fourteen whose courage thwarted a hostile takeover of the Senate by the American Taliban.

The filibuster didn't get nuked but the courts are still in danger of hijack. George W. Bush, as a payback to his political supporters, has picked several unworthy candidates to sit on our higher courts.

Can a judge with a Christian fundamentalist's mindset keep their religious dogma from influencing their decisions or will he and or she model themselves after their judgemental and punishing concept of God?

A judge without the ability to separate from an adgenda of belief is not fit to make decisions on the court......

........Kitchen Window Woman...
Sunday, May 22, 2005

A Remedy For The "Fascistly" Uninformed.

I just bought a copy of "Creating Web Pages With HTML Simplified" from maranGraphics because I know next to nothing about HTML. Even a little knowledge about HTML will help me to better manage "The Dishpan Chronicles" web page. Now, maybe my husband and daughter won't have to help me as much. I have a book.

When I want or need to know something, I am not ashamed to seek information, ask questions, or ask for help. I asked at the bookstore for a book on HTML for dummies and I always stop and ask for directions when I'm lost!

We can all recall classmates in high school and college who lost out because they ditched classes or slept through them. "I'll never use History, it's all old stuff from the past", or Government is too boring - I don't need it!" and Why should I study Geography? I'm not going anywhere, and I don't care about those people anyway." Do you remember those justifications for not wanting to learn? I do.

Well, they did need History, Government, and Geography, too, because our sleep-walking, class-ditching fellow students have graduated to become uninformed voters. Uninformed voters are a direct threat to democracy.

I noticed that a few of the recent comments floating in my Dishpan seem to have come from the ranks of the uninformed. Therefore, in this post, I will provide the information necessary to remedy the obvious confusion of those lost and wandering few. I'm sure they were only asking for directions.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."........Abraham Lincoln

Addicted to money and power, fascism is the diseased, dark side of capitalism. It emerges when the wealthy and the corporate elite seek more political control to protect their privileged status. Anti-liberal, anti-socialist, anti-communist, and anti-labor, the base of fascism is corporate, conservative, totalitarian and nationalistic. It fears freedom. It fears liberty.

"The twentieth century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy."............Alex Carey

"The corporations don't have to lobby the government any more. They are the government." ................Jim Hightower

I encourage everyone to ask questions of this government, to educate yourselves and others, and to speak up and out. If you are not already an informed citizen, become one ......it is never to late to learn.

I will conclude with a quote that is as timely as it is apropos in regard to this post.

"All democracies turn into dictatorships - but not by coup. The people give their democracy to a dictator, whether it's Julius Ceasar or Napolean or Adolf Hitler. Ultimately, the general population goes along with the idea...That's the issue that I've been exploring: How did the Republic turn into the Empire...and how does a democracy become a dictatorship?"... George Lucas of Star Wars fame, at the Cannes film festival, 2005

..........Think about it.........
.....Kitchen Window Woman

Friday, May 20, 2005

Warning Signs of Fascism

Laurence W. Britt, political scientist, WWII history buff, and a concerned citizen has provided the American people with a list of the characteristics of Fascism. Britt began his research in 2002. He analyzed seven fascist regimes: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco's Spain, Salazar's Portugal, Papadopoulos's Greece, Pinochet's Chili and Suharto's Indonesia. He found fourteen traits that were common to all seven fascist states.

The list provided below is a shortened version, in that the text explaining each characteristic, is not included. It is frightening that all of these characteristics are not only present in Bush's Amerika, but are on the increase.

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

2. Distain For Human Rights

3. Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause

4. Supremacy of the Military

5. Rampant Sexism

6. Controlled Mass Media

7. Obession with National Security

8. Religion and Government Intertwined

9. Coporate Power Protected

10. Labor Power Suppressed

11. Distain for Intellectuals & the Arts

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

14. Fraudulent Elections

There are hundreds of examples of fascist behavior in America under George W. Bush. See how many you can find! It is up to each and everyone of us to fight for Democracy right here at home. Think about it.

Laurence W. Britt's list is available as a poster or as post cards from the Syracuse Cultural Workers, Tools For Change web store...go to......


Beware.... Fascists are known to wrap themselves in flags!
.......................Kitchen Window Woman........................
Monday, May 16, 2005

Condi's Toxic Trip to Baghdad

I see that Condi Rice has taken her stern, disapproving self to Iraq. The press release implied that the purpose of her visit was to offer encouragement to Iraq's fledgling government. More than likely, her goal was to dominate television news, because it is hard to imagine Ms. Rice offering encouragement to anyone. She exemplifies the diappointed, head-shaking no, arms-crossed, foot-tapping, I-told-you-this-would-happen (if you didn't do what I said) type of controlling person. Rigid with authority, she frowns scorn on those who differ with her. It is amazing to watch her eyes narrow to angry slits and her lips form into a Shirley Temple-styled pout. Then, she further betrays her distant, superior attitude by slowly enunciating each word, in a staccato manner, to beat in her point.

Condi Rice is not a parent, but if she were, no child would thrive in her narrow, controlled garden. She would be a "Toxic Parent"; one who's behavior is poisonous to their own children. She has, however, taken on the role of an authoritative parent toward those who populate other countries around the globe. This woman with ice in her veins, is the Secretay of State!

Condi, Condi, Condi.....I am so disappointed in you......those people are thinking, decision making adults, just like you......yes, yes, I know, they don't want to do what you told them to do.....they have their reasons....have you listened, or negotiated?.....no?.....you've been condescending and threatening?......they spurned your imperialistic advances?.... Why do they hate us?.......well,....they just don't want to live like that, Condi.....you can understand that can't you, Condi?......Hmmmmmm.....I have a little suggestion, dear......I'm going to give you some words....why don't you take them, look them up, and practice their meanings....when you use them, I'm sure that people will feel differently about you, and that you will feel better, too!.....Here, take these magic words......Respect, Dignity, Diversity, Empathy, Tolerance, Co-operation, and oh, don't forget.... Please.

A Little Bit of Magic Does Wonders...........Peace
...............Kitchen Window Woman...................
Saturday, May 14, 2005

More Tiny Bubbles

Bubble #2.......Journey back to Iowa on Sept. 3rd, 2004 at a Bush rally.....Two lady school teachers in their mid-fifties were arrested and strip-searched for having a NO MORE WAR sticker on the car, and trespassing (the charges were later dropped, and they have filed a law suit). GEEZ.....as of today I AM IN MY MID-FIFTIES, TOO!

SO........Am I in danger of such a strip-search, being in my mid-fifties, political, and all? It would be traumatic, as I am a survivor of both sexual abuse during my childhood, and a rape as a young woman! SO........ if I lived in Florida, and preceived said strip-search as perverted, aggressive, bodily harm, and a danger to my life.......under Jeb Bush's new NRA-sponsered law, would I be within my rights to SHOOT anyone who was trying to violate me?...Yes?


Bubble #3.......Let's go south of Florida - to Cuba. This next one illustrates just how totalitarian we in the states have become.

Castro has taken inspiration from the Bush Administration. He has resurrected and put into use one of his older laws. Young Cubans ages 16 thru 21, are being arrested and imprisoned up to four years, for PRE-EMPTIVE DANGEROUSNESS! Sound familiar? The young Cuban prisoners have not been charged with any crime. Let's see, Bush did a PRE-EMPTIVE attack to launch his War on Terror, and many prisoners, held indefinitely by the Americans, in both the States and Guantanamo, also have no charges leveled against them (other than being Arab).

Either the human rights disease infecting the Americans at Guantanamo has multiplied and spread, or George W. Bush has been more intimate with Castro than we knew.

Cuba and the United States are trapped in the same Orwellian Nightmare!

Bubble #4......If the "Evangelical Flyboys" at the Air Force Academy in Denver end up dropping bombs over Middle Eastern targets, will they be BOMBING MUSLIMS FOR JESUS? Think about it.

55 is pretty good....I won't be washing dishes tonight.....We're going out to eat!
...........Kitchen Window Woman.........

Tiny Bubbles on My Birthday

"Tiny Bubbles" are thought blips, or post-it-notes, titled so with a nod toward my ukelele playing husband, who was thoughtful enough (this morning) to make a pot of fresh coffee, set out my cup, and fill a vase with roses from our garden. What a nice way to wake up on one's birthday! Thank you, Catfish!

Bubble #1.....Who would have thought that a John Lennon song from 1968's White Album would be a prophesy of Florida's future..........?

Florida has the sun and now, thanks to Jeb Bush, Florida has guns!

Happiness is a warm gun.... Happiness is a warm gun.... bang bang shoot shoot....

I'm using the song to refer to the kind of gun with bullets - Florida already has a problem with the kind that goes into the veins. Anything is possible with Jeb Bush! This time he warmed up to the GUN lobby! "Bang bang shoot shoot"..... I predict that some American gun manufacturers are so delirious with joy that they are already trying to get the Castle Doctrine installed in other states.

Note to Tourists: Missouri is known as the Show-Me State. Come to Florida..... Now Known as...the Fun in the Sun with your Gun.... Shoot-Me State!

It's Official, the Speed Limit is 55 and So Am I !

I was born on Mother's Day, on a Sunday in Detroit, 55 years ago.....so was Stevie Wonder. Happy Birthday to us, Stevie! I am always telling people, "you can take the girl out of Motown but you can't take the Motown out of the girl."

I am enjoying myself today with my family. Calls and e-mails have come in from friends and relatives around the country. There was even a tuneful, long-distance birthday serenade over the phone (no, it wasn't Stevie). Yesterday, my close friend took me to lunch. Boy, I am spoiled!

Further birthday indulgence today will include the next post which will be in the "Tiny Bubbles" form.

55 - hmmmmmmm.............! I plan to put my years and wisdom to use. I promise to continue to speak up and speak out frequenty. I have always been propaganda-resistant and plan to use what I know to innoculate others to think for themselves. This is still a democracy and there are many discussions that need to be on the table.

"They Say it's My Birthday"........
....Kitchen Window Woman...
Friday, May 13, 2005

Not Bad For Almost 55!

The original post with this title disappeared in the nano-second of a republish click (I had done some typo edits). That was the day before yesterday. Yesterday, I was down in town so I didn't have time to deal with it. Fortunately, I had saved a copy on the advice of my husband and daughter, and am able to post it again.

It has been a six year journey from learning to turn a computer on to writing a blog. I never would have imagined that I would be doing such a thing! And, there is still so much more to learn! This past week, I signed up with Blog Explosion and have been learning how to navigate it.

When I returned to college, I was a forty-nine-year-old grandmother, and I was terrified of computers. I just knew that I would blow it up and thousands of dollars worth of machinery would be destroyed. I have come a long way since then.

I decided to blog because I am very concerned about the future of not only my country, but of my neighbors in countries around the globe, who are threatened by America's military aggression. It is my way of speaking up and speaking out.

It seems that war, instead of being the last, most horrific solution to dispute, has become the response of choice for the current American government. It is also a highly profitable money maker for the corporate elite. America is growing increasingly more nationalistic and militaristic. We have become greedy, power-hungry, xenophobic thugs who have little or no respect for other peoples, or other points of view. America needs an "attitude adjustment!"

I promised myself that I would do something.....so I blog. I think that if we educate, connect, and brainstorm, we can come up with a more workable approach to world peace. War, historically, has never led to peace.

There is a wonderful new magazine, for instance, that is based in Europe. ODE Magazine is full of ideas that are both practical and inspirational. I recommend it heartily! Pick up a copy and give it a look-see.

It's funny, "Old Europe" seems to be comming up with new answers. You see, they have "been there and done that", and are finished with Imperialism (except, of course, Tony Blair). This "Old Hippie Lady", and her contemporaries, aim to come up with some new answers, too! We just need to get rid of the "Old Cowboys", who still think that it's OK to shoot up the town, and then ride off into the sunset! That's only in the movies, boys!

I will be 55 tomorrow on May 14th, and am glad that I got over my computer fears. I am also happy to have noticed during my blog surfing these last few days, that I am not the only person of mature years who is blogging! Yay for us!

And now back to the suds in the sink.......
..........Kitchen Window Woman...............
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Yesterdays Post Disappeared!

Yesterday I wrote a post entitled "Not Bad For Almost 55" and it disappeared leaving only the title. I deleated the title and will have to write it again. It would not allow me to save a copy but posted on my page for a while and by today the entire thing was gone.

I am mystified...................?
.......Kitchen Window Woman

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

May brings Mother's Day on the American calendar. I wish that women all over the world had this day maked on their calendars, too. It is special because we celebrate women who have dedicated themselves to protect, care for, nuture, and educate their children. It is a full-time, 24/7, year-round, never ending, sometimes thankless, sometimes rewarding, difficult task to raise a child, but billions of women the world over are the loving mothers of tomorrows adults.


..................Kitchen Window Woman....................

Mama, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys

Don't let your children grow up to be like hers. They have been taught that "appearance is everything", and that "the end justifies the means." They lack empathy and compassion, are manipulative, lazy, greedy, irresponsible, power hungry, and destructive.

Her blue-blood pedigree, with a line back to the Bourbon kings, was the foundation of her belief that she and her children were a class above everyone else. She instilled them with arrogance, and pride, and led them to believe that they were destined to lead while overlooking their shallow, selfish, boorish behavior. She taught them that lying was OK when used to obtain their goals. They learned to expect respect from others as their due but to give respect to no one.

Petty and vindictive herself, she practiced name calling with relish, and modeled the fine art of exacting revenge, in front of her children. She protected them not only from harm, but from any kind of criticism. They never had to take responsibility for their actions as children, and they still don't. Mothers and children all over the world have suffered and suffer still because of this woman's children.

Her sons, as adults, have: lied, manipulated votes, and stolen elections, lost millions in other peoples money (that has never been repaid), lied, excuted 152 people (the most in any state in American history), tried to undermine the Constitution, lied, used religion to gain power, lost over 500 children in the state foster care system, pandered to corporate interests and polluters, turned a state into a shooting gallery, lied, had exta-marital affairs, used political connections to stay out of combat, had sex with prostitutes, been drunk, disorderly, and urinated on cars, lied, done insider trading, threatened ordinary citizens, lied, alienated America's allies, opened the door to religious fanatics and fascism, and lied to start a war that has killed several hundred thousand Iraqis and Americans!

Her husband calls her Bar. She's known as "the meanest woman in Texas" in her adopted state. Her daughter-in-law recently likened her to Don Corleone. She's been a First Lady and is now the First Mother. I think of her as America's Worst Mother!

We CAN and WILL do better! Teach your children well.....
............Kitchen Window Woman....................

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Flag-Draped Secrecy

Oh say can you see? Well, we can now! Forced by the Freedom of Information Act, the Pentagon has released photo images of flag-draped coffins taken since the Bush wars began in Afghanistan in 2001. The secreted photos were taken by military photographers because all news media is banned from doing so. The ban was put in place "to respect the privacy of families of dead soldiers," said the Pentagon, demonstrating new-found respect and concern for military families.

The military, masters of muddle, managed to include among the hundreds of war-dead coffin photos, similar images of the remains of the Columbia space shuttle astronauts. The flag-wrapped coffin photos were also not labeled as to location or date.

Even more peculiar, is the Pentagon's protection of the military personnel who are present in the coffin photos. The faces and name tags of military pall bearers and funeral ceremony attendees were blurred out of "privacy concerns." Hmmmmm-mmmmmm-mmmm...................??? Ironic, when you consider that George W. Bush, like many past leaders who have had military fixations and global aspirations (Hitler comes to mind), uses soldiers in uniform as a backdrop for many of his speeches. The faces of service members who form the camoflague curtain behind George are not blurred, nor are their name tags! How is it that they have names and faces when they appear to be supporting the President, but their names and faces are obscurred when they are honoring their dead comrades-in-arms?

There was a military slang term that was used back when I was in the Army during the Vietnam conflict. I think it applies in todays' climate of pre-emptive war. The phrase "getting over on" describes many actions of the Bush administration. The Pentagon is trying "to get over on us" with this BS about privacy concerns. The fact is they are afraid that the American public will be sickened by photo imagery that dipicts the REALITY of war. Those in the business of war are desperate to control all visual and verbal information about this one. Let's face it folks, the Pentagon's PG rated, Pollyanna version of the Iraq war, is playing right now, on your favorite news station.

It's time to take a good look at those coffins covered in flags. Then add the hundeds of thousands of dead Iraqi men, women and children to the picture. What a nightmarish image it makes - this horror of a war forged by falsehood!

If this war is so good why hide the photos and the faces?
.................Kitchen Window Woman............................

Monday, May 02, 2005

Laura Bush Makes Me Want to Spew!

If I hear or see one more replay of Laura Bush's cutesie weekend performance I AM GOING TO SPEW! CNN and MSMBC anchors have been falling over each other, fawning and fussing about Laura's little speech: even going so far as to call it RISQUE!

See, she's just like the rest of us. She's not some up-tight member of the crazed Christian Right. Mrs. Bush watches "Desperate Housewives", and it has SEX in it! She's "up-to-date with it", and funny, too!

She has a speech writer and a joke writer!

She didn't write that herself! She may have added an idea or a sentence or two but that's it! What she DID do.... was rehearse!

Is there a real anchor out there who might bring up the fact that this was nothing but a piece of well-polished SHOW Business? Come On, Do Your Jobs!

America's First Stepford Wife serves as a perfect example of a "good, little woman, Texas-style" - don't disagree, don't have an opinion, or speak up at all; unless you're going to be flirty and cute! How well she does it! Laura, who used to be an educator, has even gone so far as to tout her husband's careless, deeply flawed, under-funded, "teach-to-the-test" national education program!

Recent research has revealed that although student victims of "No Child Left Behind" in Texas can polly-parrot answers to test questions, they cannot problem solve. Gee, the abilities to analyse, process information, and problem solve are the basic skills necessary to the foundation of a questioning, educated mind. Thinking for one's self, creativity, maturity, and independence soon follow.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!.........The President's "No Child Left Behind," operates as a training program intended to produce a mindless, obedient population. The unquestioning masses from the Dumb Down School will do what they are told - whether that be: to shoulder the tax burden, swell the ranks of the military and/or support American Global Domination. Nourished on slogans, the only desire of these students, like those of Hitler Youth, will be for a pat on the head from the Fuhrer.

We can thank Laura, as well, for being dedicated to setting the clock centuries back on women's, and children's issues. We can thank Laura for being silent about war and religious tolerance, and now, we can thank Laura for being condescendingly cute. Maybe, when she learns to respect herself, and others, I will gain some respect for her; but for now - she is an embarrasment.

Laura Bush Makes Me Want to Spew!
.................Kitchen Window Woman